Interview with Dr. Prana

"When I was 1 year old, at the time of New Year celebrations, I got an infection of both lungs. Doctors told my parents that I would not survive. My mother took me in her arms and although I was unconscious, had a temperature and was unable to breathe, she refused to let anyone také me away from her. She stopped eating, hardly slept and kept me close to her heart until I regained consciousness - by the force of her magnetic aura she kept me alive. (Later, when I learned about Tibetan mediceine, I found out that magnetic links wxist between mether and child.) I stayed alive thankd to Godś will, it was written in the stars. I still have to fulfill my duty."
What was your first contact with Alternative medicine?
When I was small, I was curious to understand what enabled my grandmother to perform miracles, to cure people. And what enabled my grandfather, a vet, to heal animals and always know what the weather was going to be like. To say the truth however, I first became actively interested in joga and indian philosophy to charm girls. It was fashionable then. With time I realised it really was an interesting subject so I started to do Yoga properly.
Later I started studying medicine, but after only two years I wanted to abandon the studies. I was disillusioned by what I had seen in hospitals. I saw pationts return again and again, that they were not getting better. One professor, whom I very much respected, then told me: "You are going in the right direction but first finish off your studies and then start your own search."
Apart from family tradition, eastern medicine has also played a big part in your work?
My grandmother, an excellant chiropracter, passed her knowledge not to my mother, but myself. Despite that, I continued to lood for other methods of healing, I srudied old scriptures. Much has been written, but when you fall ill, you dont´t know where to go. When I was still at University, my mother got a stroke. We tried everything, from healers to professors, bu noone was able to help us. My mother then told me that she wished I learned to cure people for real, not just symbollically. This is perhaps why I wished to be able to heal people all the more. Graduallly, I realised I was able to do more then my colegues (for wxample I picked up a fallen electric wire from the ground - it shook me up a bit but did not do me any harm!) but I knew I had to study a lot. After all, human mind can also do a lot of harm and this is why it is important that a good method does not get into the hands of someone with malicious mind. Important role in my development played the time spent in Mongolia. There I tried to get closer to Tibetan medicine. I approached a doctor there in a budhist monastery near the border with Russia - but with no success. I knew from the start that it wasn´t going to be easy. I had studied Japanese for theree years, translated texts - read and understood much about the Eastern spirit. It was clear that before opening up a bit, years would past with them just smiling at me. I did not know what else to do when one day, I made acquanintance with a local poetess. She asked me what I was looking for and when I told her, she promissed to hepl me. And she did - from then on, the gealer was friendly towards me. Putting together what I had learned at University and from experience and from my own personal study, I developed and technigue of healing suited to European culture. When you combine healing methods of any country with modern medicine in a sensible way, on the basis of knowledge and experince, then xou can heal very well. Surgeries should only be carried out in serious cases, when every minute is a matter of life and death. In war and accident, a surgeon is necessary but otherwise, we should seek to cure people once and for all without demaging them.
What can you cure then?
I can treat problems of mobility, back problems, nervous systém, cardiovascular systém, internal organs. I can do psychological preparations for people with demanding professions. There are fowever illnesses which I do not treat: cancers, inborn child brain polio, problems created by surgical removal of organs and illnesses created by hormonal and insuline treatments. Hormones do not allow me to treat people - nor do anticonception pills. Women should be wary of using them because their long-term usage puts their feritlity at risk.
Are you able to tell whether you can heal a person at a first sitting?
I say yes if I am sure I can. In other cases I tell them to see a specialist.
What methods do you use?
I do spinal correction, masage, acupuncture, acupressure, and glass bubbles once a week. I select from these, diagmose with hands, then make an individual healing program that includes herbs, aromatherapy and psychotherapy in a conscious state, subconscious state and in sleep, ie in the stae of near hypnosis.. Here I use my training in psychotherapy, psychology, physiotherapy and masage. In the course of my treatment, tactile diagnosis - touching points in the body which are responsible for different organs - I find out how I need to proceed.
Why do you begin with the spine?
Most health problems are linked to it - fact given by the age in which we live. Once people moved a lot more - activities like wood and grass chopping strengthened their back muscles. Nowadays people sit in offices all day long and so the spine gets blocked in characteristic points like the neck, chest and loin section. And then the blockage occurs in various organs as well.
How does spine blockage affect internal organs?
When the spine gets blocked, it clips nerve endings which go to different oragans and as a result, they then do not work the way they should. Bowels, for wxample, stop working properly when the spine gets blocked in the loin area - costipation or fiarhoea follows.
And what comes first: a mulfunctioning organ or a spinal prpoblem?
That´s individual - it can be either way. Perhaps one is a born with a weaker organ which, as a result of work stress, when you live on fast food, gets worse - the bowels suffer and this than projects on the pine which suffers in turn.
And you treat both in the same way?
Yes, I start by getting rid of the blockage.
How long is the therapy?
12 sittings is a minimum. They can go up to 18 - that´s individual and depends on how many negative effects the person has suffered. The first half can be done on a daily basis, the other half with a pause of 1 day or two between sessions but they should never be long.
When xou prescribe herbal remedies, what recipes do you use?
From respected sources - I have recipes that I know from experience that they work.
Do they come from the East?
Eastern medicine id good for the East, here we have a different enviroment. In a place where seasons change, magnetism is different from the Eastern one and herbs differ from those which grow in a place where the sun shines 300 day a year. What grows there, growa differently here.
If I use an African plant, I do not know if it will work on a Czech man. We do not live in a vacuun, we are influenced by trees that grow around us, to say an example - our biological field is linked to the enviroment in which we live. We have to make the moust of the things that are around us. The same can be said about food - the imunity which we have acquired from out ancestors can better deal with the poisons contained in potatoes that are grown here then in those grown in India.
Also it is importatn to return now and again to the place where we come from: to drink water from the well, sit under the tree - to return to the natural state. One is always in search of a place where they feel good, where they do not feel stressed, where they enjoy the smells. There they sit on the bench and sit for hours without noticing the time passing…

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